Championing “Find a Way Founders”

At Evergreen Mountain Equity Partners, we are always looking for “Find a Way Founders” — those exceptional individuals who, beyond their diverse backgrounds or educational pathways, possess the intellect, courage, and resilience to forge remarkable companies. 

We believe that true innovation arises from relentless determination and an unwavering spirit to overcome obstacles.

Our investment ethos is intertwined with a forward-looking thesis on the Future of Work, focusing on four transformative pillars: the integration of AI, the strategic adoption of automation, the empowerment of a global workforce, and the vibrant gig and entrepreneurship landscape. 

We’re not just investing in these ideas; we’re investing in the fearless visionaries driving these ideas — the disruptors who are redefining the boundaries of work through technology.

At Evergreen Mountain Equity Partners, we’re committed to nurturing a future where work transcends traditional paradigms, enabled by technologies that elevate human potential and creativity. 

Our “Find a Way Founders” are at the forefront of this revolution, building solutions that not only address today’s challenges but also anticipate tomorrow’s opportunities.

Join us in this journey to reimagine work, one groundbreaking innovation at a time, led by the tenacious spirit of founders who embody the essence of finding a way against all odds.

Meet Some Great “Find a Way Founders”

  • Steve Gilman, Founder, OneRange

    My diverse background, combining engineering, sports, and military service, cultivated a unique blend of skills and experiences I apply daily as a founder. As an entrepreneur, I am drawn to the challenge of applying your interdisciplinary expertise to solve complex problems and create innovative solutions.

    My time in the military instilled leadership, adaptability, and strategic thinking, while your education provided you with the analytical and business acumen necessary to navigate the competitive landscape. Additionally, my experience as a professional athlete taught me discipline, perseverance, and teamwork—qualities essential for starting and building a company. Ultimately, upon graduation from business school, I made a decision to start a company even though I was set to be part of a leadership development program at IBM. I started that company in 2015 with zero dollars in my bank account, but I've since learned something new every day, and I’ve never looked back.

  • Ricardo Regulado, Founder, Route

    I started out in the commercial cleaning industry 10 years ago then built my first company alongside my wife, dad, aunt and cousin. I learned a ton performing all the cleaning myself for the first 4-5 years of the business. I wore every hat and learned every department.

    Fast forward to today, Route employees over 300 people, (22 of whom are family), operates in 20+ states, offers over 20 services and has has been a member of the Inc 5000 Fastest Growing companies for each of the last four years.

    My mission is to create jobs and help the everyday blue collar, hard working, American to earn a living and be happy doing it. Our Culture is our differentiator. My superpowers are how I find Talented people, bring them together, and EMPOWER people. My VISION is to empower the Cleaning industry and make a positive impact on my colleagues and team. My motto is STRONGER TOGETHER!

  • Ben Siegel, Founder, Abode

    I started the first version of Abode during my junior year in college, and it's the only "job" I've ever had. Being a founder has always felt natural to me. Growing up, I played competitive sports, and I see many similarities between that and the work I do now. In sports, you're constantly striving to improve, to be the best for your team and to give yourself the best chance to win. I approach being a founder with the same mindset – constantly striving to improve in all aspects, whether it's selling, raising money, hiring, or managing a team. I want to give Abode the best chance to succeed. Having this opportunity is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, and I can't imagine doing anything else at this point in my life.